Dope Wars:

📝 0x8707276df042e89669d69a177d3da7dc78bd8723

This is the NFT token of the Dope Wars ecosystem. This token is adapted from the NounsDao standard and allows every NFT token holder to vote and participate in an [OpenZeppelin Governor]( Overview,not just the crypto economy.)-style governance. No intermediaries are needed!

Timelock (Treasury):

📝 0xB57Ab8767CAe33bE61fF15167134861865F7D22C

This is the "Treasury" of the Dope Wars ecosystem. This contract is controlled by the DAO contract and receives the OpenSea sales commission of 5% which powers the community.

Governor (DAO):

This is the "DAO" of the ecosystem, a Governor contract that allows folks to vote in proposals and make changes to the ecosystem.


📝 0x7ae1d57b58fa6411f32948314badd83583ee0e8c

Paper is the in-game asset launched as a fair airdrop to all Dope Wars Token holders. It has an open supply that is controlled by the DAO to allow for future expansion of the asset supply if needed for new games or DAO activities. This supply can only be expanded by a vote of Dope Wars token holders. It was launched as a totally free and fair airdrop.

Paper is an in-game asset for the Dope Wars ecosystem. It is not real money and should not be considered real money.


Initiator Contract

📝 0x7aa8e897d712CFB9C7cb6B37634A1C4d21181c8B

Hustlers on Optimism

📝 0xDbfEaAe58B6dA8901a8a40ba0712bEB2EE18368E